President’s Message
My friends,
As spring brings perfumed flowers in my garden, it is befitting that I extend the season’s joy with a literary bouquet from Kairali club’s aspiring writers and poets among our midst.
Chethana, the flagship publication of Kairali inspires and encourages the passion of writing among our young and old.
Even during these difficult Covid-19 days, our passionate literary enthusiasts and committed members have been working hard to bring this 2020 edition for your reading pleasure.
Kairali, Perth Malayalee Cultural Club is celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year. When this Club was formed in the mid-90’s, the then committee realised the importance of an annual magazine to showcase the literary skills of our members. To name the magazine, a competition was organised. The committee received several suggestions. The name ‘Chethana’ stood out among the suggestions as the closest to its genesis and intent.
Here I thank the winner, Mrs. Lalitha Premachandran for her valuable suggestion. She and her family were active members of our club those days and currently they are residents of Melbourne, Victoria.
I take pride in stating that Chethana is the icing on the Kairali Club cake. This magazine is part of our vision of being a very current yet far-sighted, premier Malayalee Cultural Club in Perth WA.
With the help of our friends, supporters and the present dynamic editor, Venu and his team, we now launch the magazine to an online version.
A big thank you to the Chethana team and all the Kairali members.
The pages of this edition of Chethana are, although as in previous volumes, a showcase of our club and its literary creativity, a ‘Samarpanam’ to Kairali’s special Silver Jubilee 2020.
Stay safe.
Murali Mohan
Kairali President 2020-21
Management Committee 2020-21

Standing L to R : Venu,Harish,Narayanan,Mohan, Vasudevan
Sitting L to R: Preet, Deepa, Murali, Rani, Lekha